Sunday, 6 December 2009

long sleeping

I'm not quite sure how she manages it, but Lydia is sleeping strong and long through the night....for a kid who only has two months of life experience, I'm pretty impressed. Here's how the last week went: monday 9.5 hrs, tuesday 8 hrs, wednesday 9.75 hrs, thrusday 9 hrs, friday 8.5 hrs, saturday 10.5 hrs!!, sunday 9 hrs. Keep up the good work, kiddo. (ps, this is the work of Babywise, because I know I couldn't do anything this wise myself.

(Babywise is one of many ways to attempt to put a baby into a rythm that is both healthy and fits to the rest of the family.  I enjoyed using the principles loosely with our 5 kids.)

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