Monday, 14 December 2009

cooking brains

Brains for lunch, stomach for dinner. Yes, I have just learned how to cook these sweet delicacies. As long as I distracted myself, i have to admit they tasted pretty good....I was just when my mind started chewing on the fact that i was chewing on something else's mind....bleah! This delicious dish of couscous has a nice stomach, front and center. It was filled up with spinach, spices, garbanzo beans, red pepper, and then stitched up and cooked good and long so the tough stomach skin can get tender. You can also see me dicing and slicing the brain (it's pretty small altogether), which we fried tasted a bit like scrambled eggs. Hmmm. Next year we will NOT make any jokes about eating the sheeps brain if we go to their "sheep slaughtering" holiday. (That's why my friend showed up with a basket of brains and stomach for us; she wanted to honor us with the best parts!)

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