Sunday, 11 September 2022

Hannahs list of books for Christian parenting.

 You are a Christian parent, but not sure what resources to go to for wisdom to help you raise your kids right. There is so much out there, which book(s) are worth our time?

Here is my list of books that have been very helpful for us in raising our 5 kids, in a very secular Sweden, to give us a foundational understanding of how this all works from a Bible based point of view!

1.  Shepherding a Childs Heart, by Ted Tripp.  Basically anything from the Tripp brothers has been valuable, as they are not looking for quick fixes, but rather into the heart of the matter.  

2. On that note, how about Parenting (or in Swedish!, Föraldrarskap), by Paul Tripp.  This book continually gives you that feeling that he must have been peeking into your life as he was writing this book, because he really hits the nail on the head.  What is parenting all about from a Bible based viewpoint? 

3.  From a bit more of a practical standpoint, I would suggest Don Whitneys or Jerry Marcellinos book about family worship. 

Quite simply, it is not to late or too early to start getting in the habit of daily family worship! 

4. From a mom's point of view, i enjoyed this one:  Treasuring Christ, when your hands are full. 

More to come!

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