Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology, Chapter 51


Everything both WE and the CHURCH should be a form of worship, to glorify God, but today Grudem will focus on the music and words used in praise to God when we assemble together.

Worship is the activity of glorifying God in his presence with our voices and hearts. 

Colossians 3:16 encourages this specifically.   The gospel call is a call to worship; to turn from sin and call upon the name of the Lord.

Reverent, corporate worship, is not optional for the church of God...rather, it brings expression to the very being of the church.

We are in our essence created to glorify God.  It is right for God to seek his own honor, as he is infinitely worthy of honor.   We should tremble with fear lest we rob God's glory from him.

Everything in our worship services should be designe and carried out not to call attention to ourselves, or bring glory to ourselves, but to call attention to God and to cause people to think about him. 

When we worship God properly as he asks us, it results in:
1. We delight in God.  "In your presence is fullness of joy."
2. God delights in us.
3.  We draw near to God.  "We have confidence to enter the most Holy place by the blood of Jesus." Heb 10:19
4. God draws near to us.
5. God ministers to us.  God builds us up through a time of worship with him, 1 Peter 2:5
6.  The Lord's enemies flee.
7.  Unbelievers know they are in God's presence. 1 Cor 14:25 speaks of how visitors sometimes will get an insight on this amazing God, and "worship God and declare that God is really among you."

Singing the songs is not the focus, but rather an outpouring of worship as we realize truths about God through the songs and words. 

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Systematic Theology, Chapter 39

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