Thursday, 7 February 2013

Sowing seeds already?

In Gothenburg, you have to take the bull by the horns when it is still snowy and cold outside, because it seems like it takes a looong time to warm up here. 
According to this article from Blomsterlandet, now is already the time to start sowing seeds, and sowing can continue all the way into May.  blomsterlandet's article 
Last year I was too late in starting to sow seeds and get things going on our tiny little apartment balcony.  
It seems like things had just gotten started when it was getting cold and dark again!

 So, unlike all the places I have lived in in America, this little cement corner is what I have to work with in terms of enjoying plants and the great outdoors from my apartment.  You take what you got, right?
Here are a few more websites about when to sow seeds here in Southern Sweden: 

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