Saturday, 19 May 2012

Balcony, part two

Our balcony project got a bit of a delay, thanks to the window replacement company who "occupied" our balcony for about two weeks.  But now they are gone and we are back in business.  And honestly, having all the plants inside was probably good for pushing the seedlings out quicker!

Improvements: two plant stands, flowers actually coming up, a hanging pot, and a few more pot additions...
 Here we will have sunflowers and sweet peas...
 Look at that!  It's dill, chives, and mixed salad (plus a big basil plant that I cheated and bought already grown).
 More mixed's actually growing!
 Another confession; I seriously doubted if I could grow strawberries and tomatoes from a seed in this cold Swedish weather, so I will just be happy if they survive and produce anything.
 mmmm, look at all that salad in that bucket!
still to come- beautification of the walls, chairs and table, 

and a good book and cup of coffee to be enjoyed out there...

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Systematic Theology, Chapter 39

*Just a reminder that this study of Wayne Grudem's book, Systematic Theology, is not by any means me teaching, but rather a simple sum...