In the beginning of February, my mother in law held a baby shower for us! Let's just say that this is NOT a normal Swedish custom, but then again the guest list was not a bunch of "normal" Swedes anyway. I missed taking a bunch of photos, but that is probably understandeable considering the chaos of all the small babies and toddlers who came along for the party!
1. Below you can see the lovely Sara Noren competing with a 10 year old to change the diaper on a life sized baby doll....blindfolded! It didn't help that the boy's mom kept pulling up his blindfold to help him cheat...but I am pretty sure Sara won anyway.
2. Daniel's mom made an impressive quiz. Questions about the names of Old Testament kids of families, what is the name of the Swedish royal family's kids, and so on...not easy! She also had everyone write the expected due date/size of baby, etc, and we shall see who comes closest.
The kids were VERY eager to help with unwrapping the gifts, so I just sat back and let them do the hard work. Sweet gifts, including a big package from Frida and Ramy (thanks, Micaiah). One really funny thing was seeing the little boy in the picture, who has also just gotten a little baby brother, open my gifts and then try to give them to his mom, with the mistaken assumption that they were naturally for HIS little brother.
Here is a group shot, although we didn't get Daniel's sisters in the photo as they had to leave early....6 different nationalities! And of course there was all the balloons that had to be played with and taken can see the chaos in Lydia's room after all those kids were here! All in all, a VERY sweet time. Some things i forgot to take pictures of but appreciate: The cabbage with sausages and meatballs sticking out on toothpicks, little sandwiches that looked like a happy face, the big poster and balloons at the front door welcoming people, various kids that were overloaded on sugar, and the joy of seeing various friends come together and celebrate.
Here is a group shot, although we didn't get Daniel's sisters in the photo as they had to leave early....6 different nationalities! And of course there was all the balloons that had to be played with and taken can see the chaos in Lydia's room after all those kids were here! All in all, a VERY sweet time. Some things i forgot to take pictures of but appreciate: The cabbage with sausages and meatballs sticking out on toothpicks, little sandwiches that looked like a happy face, the big poster and balloons at the front door welcoming people, various kids that were overloaded on sugar, and the joy of seeing various friends come together and celebrate.
Thanks Monica!
I början av Februari, så gjorde min svärmor ett baby shower till oss! Det är INGEN Svensk tradition, men gästerna var inte bara vanliga svenskar heller. Jag fick inte ta tillräckligt med bilder, eftersom det var lite kaos med alla bebisar och småbarn som var med på festen.
1. Du kan ser den fina Sara Noren som tävla med ett tioårig pojke för att byta en docka blöja...utan att ser den! Det hjälpte inte att pojkens mamma fuskade så att pojken kunde ser sig fram. Ändå jag tro Sara vann.
2. Daniels mamma gjorde ett bra frågesport. Frågor inkluderade att man måste vet namn på olika barn i gammal testamentet, vad kungen familjens barn heter, osv. Inte lätt! Hon också hade alla skriva ner när de gissade bebisen ska kommer och hur stor det ska får se vem kommer närmaste.
3. Barnen vill gärna hjälpa med att öppna gåvorna, så jag ta det lugnt när de jobbade hårt. Söta gåvor, speciellt ett stor packet från Frida och Ramy (Tack, Micaiah). En roligt grej var att ser den lilla pojken i bilden, som har också just fått ett lilla bror, öppna gåvor och ger de till hans mamma. Naturligtvis, han tänkte att de var för hans lillebror!
Har är ett gruppbild, men vi fick inte Daniels syskon med eftersom de åkt tidigt. Vi var 6 olika nationaliteter!
Och så var det självklart alla balongar som barnen lekt med och tog hem...du kan ser vilken kaos det var i Lydias rum efter kalaset....
Överallt det var ett riktigt söt tid. Några grejer som jag glömde att ta bilder av men uppskattade....
Ett stort kål med korv och köttbullar som stickar ut runt om det,
lille mackar som ser ut som glada ansikterna,
Ett stor välkommen skylt och balongar på dörren,
Flera barn som var fullt opp med socker,
Och den glädje att ser olika kompisar kommer tillsammans och fira med oss.
Tack farmor Monica!
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